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Let's face it, no matter where you live, you are going to have to have insurance. If you live in California, driving without California car insurance can end up costing you an arm and a leg. For the most part, that defeats the whole purpose of trying to drive without California auto insurance (which was to save money). Today we are going to talk about the trouble that you can get into for driving without California car insurance and the fines you could have to pay. Not only that, but we are going to talk about the money that you could have to pay out of pocket for a car accident. Then we will talk about how you could have saved a lot of money by simply looking for California car insurance quotes online.

First of all, if you get pulled over when you do not have California car insurance, you are already in trouble. Depending on how many times you have been pulled over for driving without California car insurance, you could have to pay a fine of $1,000. Now that is a lot, but it does not stop there. You will also lose your license, and you will have your car impounded. To get your car out of being impounded, you will have to pay even more fees. Thus, you just got your bill up there pretty fast. On top of all that, it is going to cost you more money this way than it would have to just get your California car insurance. However, if you still don't think that's a lot, then keep reading.

Let's say you are driving along and you have a pretty little kitten in the car. You look down for one second to say, "Aw, what a pretty kitty," and then boom! You run through a red light and slam into another car. Well, it's apparently your fault. After all, you did have the stop light. Now, to make matters a lot worse, you do not have California car insurance. What does this mean? Well, you are going to have to pay for the damages done to the other person's car that you hit. You are also going to have to pay for any physical damage that was done to the other driver. To make it even worse, now your once "cool" car is now a compact car! The bills that you are going to have to pay to cover the other person's car, medical bills, and your car is going to be a ton of money. In fact, it is going to be more money than you are going to be able to come up with right away.

When all is said and done, what do you get? You get the knowledge that it is cheap to go ahead and have California car insurance than it is to take the risk of driving without it. The best bet that you have is to, go online and start looking for California car insurance quotes right away. This way you can compare all your quotes side-by-side and see which plan is right for you. Driving without California car insurance is not a choice, it is a must!