California Lifestyle
California - A Desirable Place To Live
The third largest state in the United States, California boosts the most varied geography of any state in the country. From deserts to snow capped mountains to sandy, sunny beaches ... California really does have it all when it comes to geographic considerations. Similarly, California has one of the most varied climates imaginable. In California, a person can find everything from Mediterranean to Sub-Arctic climes and several others in between.
The population of the State of California is approaching 40,000,000 people, meaning that more than one in ten U.S. residents lives in California. California generates the largest portion of the Gross National Product of the United States in contrast to any other state in the Union. In fact, the Gross State Product of California exceeds that of a majority of countries in the world.
Despite the publicity and notoriety garnered by Hollywood, by far the largest industry in California is agriculture. However, it is followed (at a distant second) by aerospace and then the entertainment industry (most of that revenue coming from television).
Many Californians are devoted to living a healthy lifestyle. As a result, they tend to be more proactive in regard to health and medical considerations than some of their peers in other states. For example, a portion of Californians obtain either a body scan or a heart scan as a preventative practice with a higher degree of regularity than do individuals in other states. In fact, a growing number of Californians are obtaining either a body scan or a heart scan with more frequency as a preventative practice in the past several years.
Because of the demand for body scan and heart scan services, these types of procedures are being offered in more locations across the state. The demand for body scan and heart scan services is expected to continue to increase into the future.
Understanding that the state is so varied, the recreational, entertainment and cultural opportunities vary vastly from one region to another. For example, when it comes to recreational options, Californians and visitors to the state alike can enjoy everything from surfing and sailing to skiing and hiking and many other activities and sports in between. And, in many places, a person can spend a lovely afternoon idling away on the beach.
Culturally, California is home to a vast number of historic sites. Theater, music, ballet, opera, museums can be found in numerous cities from Northern to Southern California. California nightlife is extremely vibrant in cities like Los Angeles, San Diego, San Francisco and elsewhere. Finally, when it comes to dining in the Golden State, the menu is as vast and varied as the geography and the climate of the state.
Because of the size and diversity of California, from time to time proposals come down the proverbial pike suggesting that California should become its own country or that California should be broken up into several smaller states. In the end, cooler heads prevails and the California carries on to be one of the most intriguing and exciting destinations on the planet.